先从入门教程看起 了解一下
entire app is widget
  1. create app-wide state
  1. names the app
  1. define theme
  1. define home widget
ChangeNotifier → it can notify others about its own changes
The state is created and provided to the whole app using a ChangeNotifierProvider
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  1. Every widget defines a build() method that's automatically called every time the widget's circumstances change so that the widget is always up to date.
  1. MyHomePage tracks changes to the app's current state using the watch method.
  1. Every build method must return a widget or (more typically) a nested tree of widgets. In this case, the top-level widget is Scaffold. You aren't going to work with Scaffold in this codelab, but it's a helpful widget and is found in the vast majority of real-world Flutter apps. BuildContext 这里相当于调度器 监控MyAppState 并将变量传递到 appState
  1. Column is one of the most basic layout widgets in Flutter. It takes any number of children and puts them in a column from top to bottom. By default, the column visually places its children at the top. You'll soon change this so that the column is centered.
  1. You changed this Text widget in the first step.
  1. This second Text widget takes appState, and accesses the only member of that class, current (which is a WordPair). WordPair(string1, string2) provides several helpful getters, such as asPascalCase or asSnakeCase. Here, we use asLowerCase but you can change this now if you prefer one of the alternatives.
  1. Notice how Flutter code makes heavy use of trailing commas. This particular comma doesn't need to be here, because children is the last (and also only) member of this particular Column parameter list. Yet it is generally a good idea to use trailing commas: they make adding more members trivial, and they also serve as a hint for Dart's auto-formatter to put a newline there. For more information, see Code formatting.
Returns the word pair as a simple string, with second word capitalized, like "keyFrame" or "franceLand". This is informally called "camel case".latefinal
Returns the word pair as a simple string, in lower case, like "keyframe" or "franceland".latefinal
Returns the word pair as a simple string, with each word capitalized, like "KeyFrame" or "BigUsa". This is informally called "pascal case".latefinal
Returns the word pair as a simple string, separated by an underscore, like "key_frame" or "big_usa". This is informally called "snake case".latefinal
Returns the word pair as a simple string, like "keyframe" or "bigFrance".latefinal
Returns the word pair as a simple string, in upper case, like "KEYFRAME" or "FRANCELAND".
The new getNext() method reassigns current with a new random WordPair. It also calls notifyListeners()(a method of ChangeNotifier)that ensures that anyone watching MyAppState is notified.
Text(appState.current.asLowerCase) 分成两步写
var pair= appState.current
现在我们试一下refactor widget 选中该 Text ctrl + .Extract Widget
在这里的Text 选中 → Wrap With Padding
轻松把 Widget type 和 padding wrap 到一起
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这里Padding再wrap with widget
—> 可以 把刚生成的padding 与新元素 并列 这里没有并列 只是用Card class 把包含其中的padding refactor了 再padding 上添加新的规范 自下而上parent clas
再加上两行的 color theme
这里的theme 是最早在Myapp 全局范围时 定义的
很有意思的是这里是theme/color scheme 来自于一个seed color
  • By using theme.textTheme, you access the app's font theme. This class includes members such as bodyMedium (for standard text of medium size), caption (for captions of images), or headlineLarge (for large headlines).
  • The displayMedium property is a large style meant for display text. The word display is used in the typographic sense here, such as in display typeface. The documentation for displayMedium says that "display styles are reserved for short, important text"—exactly our use case.
  • The theme's displayMedium property could theoretically be null. Dart, the programming language in which you're writing this app, is null-safe, so it won't let you call methods of objects that are potentially null. In this case, though, you can use the ! operator ("bang operator") to assure Dart you know what you're doing. (displayMedium is definitely not null in this case. The reason we know this is beyond the scope of this codelab, though.)
  • Calling copyWith() on displayMedium returns a copy of the text style with the changes you define. In this case, you're only changing the text's color.
    • 注意这里copyWith() 中可以添加更多其它更有意义的参数来改变
  • To get the new color, you once again access the app's theme. The color scheme's onPrimary property defines a color that is a good fit for use on the app's primary color. 注意这里的意思是跟primary color很搭的color 才是onPrimary
现在我们可以把build和return暂时分开 其中build可以看作 整体初始化 UI的一些值
使得return 可以直接使用值
现在我们改一下column 的设定
这里要让左右两边也对齐 我们用Center wrap 在column外面
  • You added a new property to MyAppState called favorites. This property is initialized with an empty list: [].
  • You also specified that the list can only ever contain word pairs: <WordPair>[], using generics. This helps make your app more robust—Dart refuses to even run your app if you try to add anything other than WordPair to it. In turn, you can use the favorites list knowing that there can never be any unwanted objects (like null) hiding in there.
Note: Dart has collection types other than List (expressed with []). You could argue that a Set (expressed with {}) would make more sense for a collection of favorites. To make this codelab as straightforward as possible, we're sticking with a list. But if you want, you can use a Set instead. The code wouldn't change much.
  • You also added a new method, toggleFavorite(), which either removes the current word pair from the list of favorites (if it's already there), or adds it (if it isn't there yet). In either case, the code calls notifyListeners(); afterwards.
接下来就是更新UI 我们在next左边加东西的逻辑就是把Next wrap 到一个row 中 然后在row左侧加
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ElevatedButton → → ElevatedButton.icon(onPressed: (){}, icon: abc, label: Text(’xxx’))
OK那如果我们想分页 现在需要 StatefulWidget
  • First, notice that the entire contents of MyHomePage is extracted into a new widget, GeneratorPage. The only part of the old MyHomePage widget that didn't get extracted is Scaffold.
  • The new MyHomePage contains a Row with two children. The first widget is SafeArea, and the second is an Expanded widget.
  • The SafeArea ensures that its child is not obscured by a hardware notch or a status bar. In this app, the widget wraps around NavigationRail to prevent the navigation buttons from being obscured by a mobile status bar, for example.
  • You can change the extended: false line in NavigationRail to true. This shows the labels next to the icons. In a future step, you will learn how to do this automatically when the app has enough horizontal space.
  • The navigation rail has two destinations (Home and Favorites), with their respective icons and labels. It also defines the current selectedIndex. A selected index of zero selects the first destination, a selected index of one selects the second destination, and so on. For now, it's hard coded to zero. 这里定义 selectedIndex NavigationRail 既定的paramater onDestinationSelected 也是同理 代表选中会怎么样 为用户输入
  • The navigation rail also defines what happens when the user selects one of the destinations with onDestinationSelected. Right now, the app merely outputs the requested index value with print().
  • The second child of the Row is the Expanded widget. Expanded widgets are extremely useful in rows and columns—they let you express layouts where some children take only as much space as they need (SafeArea, in this case) and other widgets should take as much of the remaining room as possible (Expanded, in this case). One way to think about Expanded widgets is that they are "greedy". If you want to get a better feel of the role of this widget, try wrapping the SafeArea widget with another Expanded. The resulting layout looks something like this:
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  • Two Expanded widgets split all the available horizontal space between themselves, even though the navigation rail only really needed a little slice on the left.
  • Inside the Expanded widget, there's a colored Container, and inside the container, the GeneratorPage.
Some state is only relevant to a single widget, so it should stay with that widget.
Enter the StatefulWidget, a type of widget that has State. First, convert MyHomePage to a stateful widget (注意现在是stateless 就是说所有state 听从 MyAppState 再强调一下是通过全局context来watch的)
The IDE creates a new class for you, _MyHomePageState. This class extends State, and can therefore manage its own values. (It can change itself.) Also notice that the build method from the old, stateless widget has moved to the _MyHomePageState (instead of staying in the widget). It was moved verbatim—nothing inside the build method changed. It now merely lives somewhere else. 新建state(of 自己的 class MyHomePage) 为 _MyHomePageState class
create state 是系统func 为StatefulWidget 制造state
*The underscore (_) at the start of _MyHomePageState makes that class private and is enforced by the compiler. 现在我们在 state class 中定义我们的变量
在State class中定义变量: var selectedIndex = 0;
然后在build → return 中:
选中→ 产生的对应value → set value as selectedIndex(或者用value去干什么别的事)
选中 → 直接get NavigationRailDestination 元素 → 对元素进行操作
  1. The code declares a new variable, page, of the type Widget.
  1. Then, a switch statement assigns a screen to page, according to the current value in selectedIndex.
  1. Since there's no FavoritesPage yet, use Placeholder; a handy widget that draws a crossed rectangle wherever you place it, marking that part of the UI as unfinished.
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  1. Applying the fail-fast principle, the switch statement also makes sure to throw an error if selectedIndex is neither 0 or 1. This helps prevent bugs down the line. If you ever add a new destination to the navigation rail and forget to update this code, the program crashes in development (as opposed to letting you guess why things don't work, or letting you publish a buggy code into production).
build 和 return 可以区分一下
build 相当于是赋予return state(type of widget, type of render) 然后return可以定义一些在state后的东西(implement 细节, icon, 名字, text) 但是主要为固定内容
相当于js 和 html
Flutter provides several widgets that help you make your apps automatically responsive. For example, Wrap is a widget similar to Row or Column that automatically wraps children to the next "line" (called "run") when there isn't enough vertical or horizontal space. There's FittedBox, a widget that automatically fits its child into available space according to your specifications.
But NavigationRail doesn't automatically show labels when there's enough space because it can't know what is enough space in every context. It's up to you, the developer, to make that call.
Say you decide to show labels only if MyHomePage is at least 600 pixels wide.
Note: Flutter works with logical pixels as a unit of length. They are also sometimes called device-independent pixels. A padding of 8 pixels is visually the same regardless of whether the app is running on an old low-res phone or a newer ‘retina' device. There are roughly 38 logical pixels per centimeter, or about 96 logical pixels per inch, of the physical display.
The widget to use, in this case, is LayoutBuilder. It lets you change your widget tree depending on how much available space you have.
Once again, use Flutter's Refactor menu in VS Code to make the required changes. This time, though, it's a little more complicated:
  1. Inside _MyHomePageState's build method, put your cursor on Scaffold.
  1. Call up the Refactor menu with Ctrl+. (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+. (Mac).
  1. Select Wrap with Builder and press Enter.
  1. Modify the name of the newly added Builder to LayoutBuilder.
  1. Modify the callback parameter list from (context) to (context, constraints).
LayoutBuilder's builder callback is called every time the constraints change. This happens when, for example:
  • The user resizes the app's window
  • The user rotates their phone from portrait mode to landscape mode, or back
  • Some widget next to MyHomePage grows in size, making MyHomePage's constraints smaller
  • And so on
基本上就是把 constraint 也就是 physical/logical pixel size 代入到 build/return 中
可以自适应调整一些 ele 的显示情况 (如果width很长 ← 横屏 就会显示extended version) extended: constraints.maxWidth >= 600,
If you feel adventurous, try to do this step by yourself. Your goal is to show the list of favorites in a new stateless widget, FavoritesPage, and then show that widget instead of the Placeholder.
Here are a few pointers:
  • When you want a Column that scrolls, use the ListView widget.
  • Remember, access the MyAppState instance from any widget using context.watch<MyAppState>().
  • If you also want to try a new widget, ListTile has properties like title (generally for text), leading (for icons or avatars) and onTap (for interactions). However, you can achieve similar effects with the widgets you already know.
  • Dart allows using for loops inside collection literals. For example, if messages contains a list of strings, you can have code like the following:
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On the other hand, if you're more familiar with functional programming, Dart also lets you write code like messages.map((m) => Text(m)).toList(). And, of course, you can always create a list of widgets and imperatively add to it inside the build method.
The advantage of adding the Favorites page yourself is that you learn more by making your own decisions. The disadvantage is that you might run into trouble that you aren't yet able to solve by yourself. Remember: failing is okay, and is one of the most important elements of learning. Nobody expects you to nail Flutter development in your first hour, and neither should you.
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